FICP (Scientific Initiation Fair in Pontal do Triângulo Mineiro) is a continuous action starting in 2019, with the perspective of integrating one of the richest regions of the country, integrating it to the movement for the valorization of Brazilian and world scientific knowledge. It seeks to stimulate the development of an investigative culture, in addition to creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in Brazilian Basic Education (Infant, Elementary, Middle, Technical / Vocational and EJA), through the induction of learning through projects and the presentation at a fair. knowledge of their projects and integration with other fairs at the state and federal levels.FICP (Scientific Initiation Fair in Pontal do Triângulo Mineiro) is a Scientific Initiation Fair that arose to meet the demand for Scientific Projects, developed by children and young people, from Early Childhood Education to vocational high school, in the Triângulo Mineiro Region and receive projects developed in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil and other countries, providing an adequate environment, so that they can show everyone that it is possible to develop scientific projects combining education, science and technology with the community.Scientific Initiation and the successful presentation at knowledge fairs obey what the BNCC (Common National Curricular Base) recommends regarding the skills to be developed by students, which are: knowledge, scientific, critical and creative thinking, cultural repertoire, communication, digital culture, work and life project, argumentation, Self-knowledge and self-care, empathy and cooperation and responsibility and citizenship. Making the student an active agent in the construction of knowledge.AchievementFrom 2020, FICP will be held by the AMPIC (Minas Gerais Research and Scientific Initiation Association) of Ituiutaba-MG, in partnership with INFIS - Physics Institute of the Federal University of Uberlândia, with support from the Municipal Education Departments of the cities of the Pontal do Triângulo Mineiro (Cachoeira Dourada, Canápolis, Capinópolis, Centralina, Gurinhatã, Ipiaçu, Ituiutaba and Santa Vitória), SRE-Ituiutaba (Regional Teaching Superintendence - Ituiutaba), State Secretary of Education, CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological) and other agents of education, science and technology.